For the automotive industry, we print self-adhesive labels, multilayer labels, security labels, transfers, and textile labels.
We manufacture high quality labels and transfers, which may be:
- warnings;
- protective; or
- informative.
With our products, we make sure that the vehicle exterior and interior, its spare parts and components are adequately marked.
With the automotive industry, it is crucial that the labels are durable and remain readable throughout the car’s service life while exposed to the toughest conditions including temperature changes, salt and other chemicals, fuels and brake fluid.
You can find approx. one square metre of labels in any car. Some of them are directly visible to the driver and passengers while others are common identifiers used for those car parts that are not visible. In a car, labels occupy a small portion of space, but provide highly important information, security notifications and alerts.
We comply with the international standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 50001:2011.